
Refund and Returns Policy

At Createsyou. co LLC, we are committed to providing you with high-quality video editing services. However, we understand that circumstances may arise where a refund or adjustment is necessary. Please review our refund and return policy outlined below:

1. Refund Eligibility

1.1. Dissatisfaction with Services: If you are dissatisfied with the quality of the video editing services provided by Createsyou. co LLC, you may be eligible for a refund. Refund requests must be submitted within 2 days from the delivery date of the final edited video.

2. Refund Process

2.1. Contact Us: To initiate a refund request, please contact our customer support team at [email protected] within the stipulated time frame.

2.2. Detailed Explanation: Provide a detailed explanation of your dissatisfaction along with specific reasons for the refund request. This will help us understand your concerns and improve our services.

2.3. Review and Assessment: Our team will review your request, taking into consideration your feedback and the quality of the delivered video. We may request additional information or clarification if needed.

2.4. Refund Decision: Based on our assessment, we will determine whether a refund is warranted. If a refund is approved, it will be processed according to the payment method used for the original transaction.

3. Non-Refundable Situations

3.1. Change of Mind: Refunds will not be provided for instances where the customer changes their mind after the video editing work has commenced.

3.2. Client’s Content: If the quality of the video is affected by the quality of the raw content provided by the client (e.g., poor-resolution footage, low-quality audio), refunds may not be applicable.

4. Return of Deliverables

4.1. Retained Rights: Upon issuance of a refund, any rights granted to you for the use of the edited video will be rescinded, and you will not be authorized to use the video for any purpose.

5. Contact Us

If you believe you are eligible for a refund or have any questions about our refund and return policy, please contact our customer support team at [email protected] or (323) 716 9058 We are here to assist you and ensure your satisfaction.

Please note that this policy is subject to change without notice. It is recommended to review our policy before engaging with our video editing services.

Last updated: 8/11/2023 LLC
[email protected]

(323) 716 9058